Business To Business Payments

Business To Business Payments

Lower your credit card processing costs by qualifying for lower rates

Get Paid Quicker and Reduce Your Transaction Costs

We have partnered with Paytrace to provide our B2B and B2G customers with a streamlined payment gateway that specific caters to business transactions. The Paytrace platfom makes it easy to add the additional fields necessary to lower your Level II and Level III transaction costs.

Gateway Features

Time Savings

Paytrace identifies which transactions benefit from adding Level II and Level III data, intelligently calculating and pre-populating fields

Interchange Savings

Visa and MasterCard generally charge a lower interchange rate for Level II and Level III transactions. We make it easy to add additional data that’s required for these transactions.

5 Star Service

You won’t find better service for payment software anywhere else.

Let's talk

Have questions about business to business payments or want to schedule a demo?